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Downstage Left residencies are designed to help playwrights take a project from the conceptual stage all the way to a production-ready script. Playwrights work closely with one of our ensemble directors and members of the literary team to design a process tailored to the particular needs of their project.

The Bottle Tree -- 2016

Script Submissions

Our residency application round is currently open. Submissions are due by June 15, 2022. 

Email any questions to:

Season 41 Residencies


Stage Left Theatre, an ensemble-driven company, is thrilled to announce a call for play submissions for our year-long playwriting residency. 


About Stage Left


Founded in 1982, Stage Left’s mission is to create engaging and relevant theatre for an inclusive industry by highlighting unheard voices, stories, and perspectives. Stage Left aims to do this through the cultivation of new work by new artists, partnership with like-minded organizations and the surrounding Chicago community, and active engagement in the creation of inclusive opportunities. 


About the Residency


The playwriting residency is one such opportunity. A cornerstone of Stage Left’s mission of finding and elevating new voices, the program aims to discover a small cohort of Chicagoland writers who will spend a year working on a project with the guidance of Stage Left’s literary committee. Selected playwrights will receive in-depth dramaturgical feedback throughout the writing and revision process, as well as a staged reading of their projects as a part of the Offstage Left reading series at the midpoint of the program. At the conclusion of the residency, the projects will receive workshop productions as a part of the company’s annual LeapFest of new plays. Program participants will also receive preference on submissions for Stage Left’s mainstage seasons in the future. 


Application Instructions


The residency is open to playwrights of all levels; no prior experience is required. To apply, please submit a theatrical resume if available, a ten-page dramatic writing sample, a brief (250-500 word) description of the play project you’d like to work on during the residency and how you feel it aligns with Stage Left’s mission, and two references who can speak to your writing ability to Submissions are due by June 15, 2022 and all applicants will be contacted with a decision within six weeks.

Previous Residencies


Dopp Kitt in the Uncanny Valley by Kimberly Dixon-Mays

Distrikt of Lake Mighigun by Stephanie Murphy

Give Me My Flowers by Deana Velandra

Well Intentioned White People by Rachel Lynett
Cercle Hermaphroditos 
by Shualee Cook

The Volunteer by Cassandra Rose

The Sitayana by Lavina Jadhwani
Continuity by Joe Zarrow

St. Sebastian by Andrew Kramer
The New Deal by Mrinalini Kamath

The Bottle Tree by Beth Kander
Heartland by Gabriel Jason Dean
The Comparables by Laura Schellhardt
The Firestorm by Meridith Friedman
The Liar Paradox by Kristin Idaszak
The Abacus by Bilal Dardai
Warped by Barbara Lhota
Witches Vanish by Claudia Barnett
Blessed Assurance: The Story of Boston Corbett, Slayer of Booth by Randall Colburn
The Face of a Ruined Woman (later Impenetrable) by Mia McCullough
Here Where It’s Safe by M.E.H. Lewis




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