In In line with our mission to bring you theatre that inspires debate, Stage Left pairs each production with a relevant non-profit organization. Through these partnerships, audiences will have a means to act on the issues raised by each production -- not only to be informed, but to become engaged.
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg -- 2014
For our production of the project(s) Stage Left is proud to partner with National Public Housing Museum.
The National Public Housing Museum is the only cultural institution devoted to telling the story of public housing in the United States. Its mission is to preserve, promote, and propel the right of all people to a place where they can live and prosper — a place to call home.
Past Partners
What of the Night?: Cara
The Bottle Tree: The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Mutt: Asian Americans Advancing Justice—Chicago
The Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community
The Firestorm: Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc. (CLC)
Warped: Rape Victim Advocates
An Enemy of the People: Unicef Tap Project
Kingsville: PAX and UCAN
If you think your organization would like to partner with Stage Left to raise awareness for your cause, please call us at (773) 883-8830.